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Getting Started

MTGJSON is an open-source project that catalogs all Magic: The Gathering data in portable formats. Using an aggregation process we fetch information between multiple resources and approved partners, and combine all that data in to various downloadable formats.

Below is some guiding information to get you started on working with MTGJSON data.

Clarity On Documentation

This documentation leverages TypeScript syntax to describe data.


File Formats

Formats are provided via an "API-like" server. JSON can be fetched in your code, but many of the files are extremely large in size so it is not recommended to open links in your browser.

The following formats are provided by MTGJSON services:

  • JSON
  • CSV
  • Parquet
  • SQL
  • SQLite
  • PSQL
  • Compressed files

File Models

A File Model is defined by two main properties. One being the meta property described as the Meta Data Model and the data property which can vary on a file by file basis.

For example, the AllPrintings.json File Model uses the Set Data Model within the data property using a Set's code property as the key.

A closer look at AllPrintings

  meta: Meta;
  data: Record<string, Set>;

Data Models

Data Models are a general term used to categorize data objects when using this documentation.

Quick Tip

File Models inherit Data Models and Data Models provide further definitions for a File Model. Other data structures we document have non-unique property keys and values for specific File Models and are documented differently from Data Models.

Generally flat in nature, Data Models is JSON that have one or more key/value pairs. Some of those values become more complex data objects that are documented separately, but similarly, as other Data Models. They vary in their availability and are based heavily on the File Model.

For example, the AllIdentifiers.json File Model uses the Card (Set) Data Model for the card data returned using that card's uuid property as the key.

A closer look at AllIdentifiers

  meta: Meta;
  data: Record<string, CardSet>;

Alternatively, the AtomicCards.json File Model uses the Card (Atomic) Data Model for the card data returned using that card's name property as the key.

A closer look at AtomicCards

  meta: Meta;
  data: Record<string, CardAtomic>;



A service of MTGJSON, MTGGraphQL is a GraphQL API service built on top of MTGJSON data.