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All Files

A list of all downloadable files, excluding individual sets and decks, output by the MTGJSON.

You can see a dump of all files, including individual sets and decks by going to the file server directly.

File Downloads


File containing all sets using the Set Data Model which includes all printings and variations of the Card (Set) Data Model, organized by a Set's code property.

SQL, SQLite, and PSQL downloads courtesy of mtgsqlive.


File containing a directory of split-out CSV files from the AllPrintings.json file, compressed.


File containing a directory of split-out Parquet files from the AllPrintings.json file, compressed.


File containing a directory of all individual Deck Data Models named by a Deck's fileName property, compressed.


File containing all Card (Set) cards organized by the uuid property.


File containing all prices of cards in various formats organized by a card's uuid property. See the Price Formats Data Model for the model of returned data.


File containing all prices, for the current day, of cards in various formats organized by a card's uuid property. See the Price Formats Data Model for the model of returned data.


File containing a directory of all individual Set data, compressed.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property.


File containing every card type of any type of card, defined by the Card Types Data Model.


File containing all filename outputs by the MTGJSON application, such as AllPrintings, CardTypes, etc.

Note: This file does not contain data for these outputs, only string references to their existence. Generally, this data is used for documentation, but is also available to the public.


File containing a list of all individual Deck's "meta data" based on the Deck List Data Model.


File containing known property values for various Data Models.

Note: Generally, this data is used for documentation, but is also available to the public.


File containing a list of possible all keywords used on all cards, using the Keywords Data Model


File containing all sets using the Set Data Model which includes all printings and variations of the Card (Set) Data Model, categorized by a Set's code property, restricted to sets legal in the Legacy play format.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property, restricted to cards legal in the Legacy play format.


File containing the metadata object with ISO 8601 dates for latest build and SemVer specifications of the MTGJSON release.


File containing all sets using the Set Data Model which includes all printings and variations of the Card (Set) Data Model, categorized by a Set's code property, restricted to sets legal in the Modern play format.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property, restricted to cards legal in the Modern play format.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property, restricted to cards legal in the Pauper play format.


File containing all sets using the Set Data Model which includes all printings and variations of the Card (Set) Data Model, categorized by a Set's code property, restricted to sets legal in the Pioneer play format.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property, restricted to cards legal in the Pioneer play format.


File containing a list of meta data for all Set data using the Set List Data Model.


File containing all sets using the Set Data Model which includes all printings and variations of the Card (Set) Data Model, categorized by a Set's code property, restricted to sets legal in the Standard play format.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property, restricted to cards legal in the Standard play format.


File containing TCGplayer SKU information based on a card's uuid property.


File containing all sets using the Set Data Model which includes all printings and variations of the Card (Set) Data Model, categorized by a Set's code property, restricted to sets legal in the Vintage play format.


File containing every Card (Atomic) card organized by the card's name property, restricted to cards legal in the Vintage play format.